Anaesthesia | General ICU Care | The abdominal X-ray

Radiographs of the Adult Abdomen: Normal Abdominal Radiograph
Session overview
This session will look at the normal radiograph of the abdomen. It will focus on identifying anatomy and the normal bowel gas pattern demonstrated on radiographs. Indications for abdominal radiography will be discussed along with guidance on writing a report.
Learning objectives
By the end of this session you will be able to:
- Identify the anatomy of the abdomen on radiographs
- Appreciate the appearance of normal bowel gas patterns on abdominal radiographs
- Use a systematic approach to interpreting abdominal radiographs
Before commencing this session you should complete:
- Radiographs of the Adult Abdomen: Introduction
- Radiographs of the Adult Abdomen: Anatomy
Radiography of the abdomen is a commonly requested examination (often in conjunction with an erect chest radiograph), and yet in terms of diagnostic effectiveness has a fairly limited value.
Radiography is most useful in the work-up of patients with acute abdominal symptoms, but even in these patients very often the features identified are normal. The majority of the abdomen consists of soft tissue features, which are poorly demonstrated on radiographs when compared to computed tomography (CT) and ultrasound.
In looking at the normal radiograph of the abdomen, this session will focus on identifying relevant anatomy and the normal bowel gas pattern. Indications for abdominal radiography will be discussed along with guidance on writing a report.
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- Location:Online
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- Location:Online
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- Posted By eIntegrity Healthcare e-Learning
- Posted Date: 2025-02-14
- Location:Online
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