Early Pregnancy course

This session details the symptoms of early pregnancy, including complications and how to read a pregnancy test appropriately. It also discusses when future pregnancy tests may be required.
Learning objectives
By the end of this session you will be able to:
- 8.1 List symptoms of early pregnancy
- 8.2 Recognise complications of early pregnancy
- 8.3 Recognise when early pregnancy may be a possibility
- 8.4 Offer pregnancy testing appropriately, including when future pregnancy tests may be required
- 8.5 Perform a pregnancy test
- 8.6 Recognise presentation of woman with potential complications of early pregnancy and refer appropriately
With advancements in pregnancy testing, increasing numbers of women are finding out that they are pregnant at earlier gestations, often before a missed period.
After completing her specialty training in Obstetrics and Gynaecology in East Scotland, Dr Cooper now works as a Consultant in Gynaecology and Sexual Health at Chalmers Centre in Edinburgh. She previously completed a PhD research fellowship at the University of Edinburgh (2016-2019) with the aim of increasing access to postpartum contraception in the UK and has published work in this field. She is a Faculty-Registered Trainer, a member of the MFSRH OSCE examination group and has been involved in question-writing and standard-setting for the DFSRH assessment. She has contributed to FSRH guidelines on Intrauterine Contraception and Drug Interactions with Hormonal Contraception, and has previously developed e-learning resources in contraception for the RCOG and Scottish Government.

Deepthi graduated with a medical degree from Hyderabad, India in 2010. She began her Obstetrics and Gynaecology training in the UK and was awarded an NIHR Academic Clinical Fellowship in 2012. In addition to clinical training, she completed a Masters in Obstetrics and Gynaecology from Keele University in 2019. Throughout her career she developed a special interest and skills in sexual and health, including the FSRH Diploma (DFSRH). She was on the editorial board of StratOG, RCOG's eLearning platform, for two terms where she oversaw the modules related to sexual and reproductive health.
Deepthi is an active clinician researcher and has many publications and presentations to her name. Her research interests include work on big data, reproductive medicine and premenstrual syndrome. She, along with the Professor Shaughn O'Brien, is the co-inventor of PreMentricS, a smartphone app to assist clinicians in the diagnosis of premenstrual disorders.
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