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Exam Preparation | Inhaled Anaesthetic Agents and Oxygen Toxicity

Medical Doctors
Time / Duration
20 to 30 minutes
Subject matter expert
elearning for healthcare

Inhaled Anaesthetic Agents and Oxygen Toxicity
Session Overview
This session contains three revision tutorials using Multiple Choice Questions to assist candidates preparing for the Primary FRCA Examination.

Learning Objectives
By the end of this session you will be able to:

  • Describe the detrimental effects of oxygen toxicty
  • Describe the key points around inhalational agent uptake
  • Have an insight into general anaesthetic mechanisms of action

These MCQ Tutorials are aimed at candidates preparing for the Primary FRCA examination.

MCQs written to Primary FRCA standard are used to provide a focused tutorial on important concepts and areas of the curriculum that candidates have difficulty with.

Not all areas tested in the examination are covered in these tutorials. For a comprehensive review please refer to the curriculum and e-Learning sessions within Module 07.

This session provides three revision tutorials on selected topics related to intravenous and inhaled anaesthetic agents.

The tutorials within this session begin with some ‘pre-tutorial MCQs’ to test your existing knowledge. This is followed by the revision tutorial during which we will cover the knowledge required to answer these and other similar MCQs.

The tutorial ends with some ‘post-tutorial MCQs’ to re-test your understanding of the topic.

This format is repeated for each of the areas covered within this session.

Exam Preparation | Inhaled Anaesthetic Agents and Oxygen Toxicity
Interest Areas / Topics Covered
Provider Type
Education Provider
Time / Duration
20 to 30 minutes
Posted By
eIntegrity Healthcare e-Learning
Anaesthesia (e-LA) (eIntegrity), e-LA Module 06 - Exam Preparation, 06_02_02 Inhaled Anaesthetic Agents and Oxygen Toxicity
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