Fertility Awareness Methods and Apps course

This session explores the mechanism of action of different fertility awareness methods, their advantages and disadvantages, and how to use these methods to prevent pregnancy.
Learning objectives
By the end of this session you will be able to:
- 3.9.1 Describe the mechanisms of action of fertility awareness methods (FAM) for fertility control
- 3.9.2 List the advantages and disadvantages of fertility awareness methods including use of monitoring devices and apps
Fertility awareness methods (FAM) rely on predicting the fertile time/fertile window in the menstrual cycle using a variety of different physiological indicators and/or fertility tests.
Dr Julia Bailey is an Associate Professor in the e-Health Unit at University College London, and a speciality doctor in community sexual health in London, England.
Julia's programme of research focuses on technology for sexual health promotion. Her team developed the Contraception Choices website.

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