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Heart Failure and Heart Valve Disease | Heart Valve Disease - Diagnosis and management in primary care

Medical Doctors
Time / Duration
20 minutes
Subject matter expert
elearning for healthcare


Welcome to this second session on heart valve disease (HVD). The session will focus on the history and examination of a patient and any initial management required.
At the end of this session you will:
- be able to recognise the symptoms of HVD, the relevance of patient history, and which questions are useful in the diagnosis of HVD
- know how to examine a patient with suspected HVD
- be able to determine which investigations are useful and which are crucial
- know how to obtain an echocardiogram and interpret a technical echo report
- be able to determine which advanced investigations might be required
- know how to plan the initial management of HVD and determine which patients are suitable for referral for valve intervention surgery
- be aware of the appropriate intervals for the review of patients with HVD
- understand the core components of community cardiology services
Heart Failure and Heart Valve Disease | Heart Valve Disease - Diagnosis and management in primary care
Provider Type
Education Provider
Time / Duration
20 minutes
Posted By
eIntegrity Healthcare e-Learning
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