Plain X-rays of the Adult Chest: The Normal Chest Radiograph

Image Interpretation - Plain X-rays of the Adult Chest: The Normal Chest Radiograph
Session Overview
This session will look at the normal appearances of a chest radiograph. It will cover the radiological anatomy, use of a search strategy, common radiographic abnormalities and normal variants.
Learning Objectives
By the end of this session you will be able to:
- Identify the anatomy of the chest on a radiograph
- Develop a search strategy when examining chest radiographs
- Use the silhouette sign to locate abnormalities within the thorax
- Recognise common normal variants that may simulate disease
Before commencing this session you should complete:
- Image Interpretation - Plain X-rays of the Adult Chest: Introduction
- Image Interpretation - Plain X-rays of the Adult Chest: General Anatomy and Physiology
When evaluating a chest radiograph it is important that a methodical and systematic approach is employed. This helps to ensure an accurate diagnosis is reached and reduces the chance of an abnormal finding being missed. The key to identifying abnormalities on a chest radiograph is a thorough understanding of normal appearances. It is also important to consider the clinical context when interpreting a chest radiograph, it can help to arrive at the correct diagnosis or suggest the most likely in a list of differential diagnoses.
Relevant clinical history includes:
- Duration of symptoms (acute/chronic)
- Presence of pyrexia
- Any specific chest symptoms (wheeze/cough/haemoptysis)
- Any past environmental exposures (asbestos, dust)
- Current/past drug therapy
- Immune status
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- Location:Online
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