Wound Care Education for the Health and Care Workforce | Pressure ulcer risk assessment: PURPOSE-T
Pressure ulcer risk assessment: PURPOSE-T
This session aims to educate learners about how to use the Pressure Ulcer Risk Primary or Secondary Evaluation Tool (PURPOSE-T) (© Clinical Trials Research Unit, University of Leeds and Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, 2017) to carry out a pressure ulcer risk assessment, including screening and reassessment. It will also help learners to understand the pathways of prevention that the PURPOSE-T tool guides professionals towards.
Learning outcomes
The learning outcomes and content of the session have been developed for Level 4 study.
By the end of the session, you should be able to:
- describe how to undertake screening using the PURPOSE-T tool
- recognise how to undertake a full assessment, including skin assessment, using the PURPOSE-T tool
- recognise how to identify vulnerable and damaged skin
- identify the pathways of prevention to reduce and manage risk of pressure ulcer development
- understand when to undertake a follow-up assessment
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- Location:Online
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- Location:Online
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- Location:Online
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- Location:Online
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