Sexual Health | Sexual assault/abuse and medicolegal issues | Psychological and Social Issues in Sexual Assault and Abuse

Psychological and Social Issues in Sexual Assault and Abuse
Session Overview
This session covers the acute and long-term psychological sequelae of sexual assault in young people and adults, including associated risk-taking behaviour. Sign-posting to support services and referral pathways are recommended.
Learning Objectives
By the end of this session you will be able to:
- Describe the acute psychological impact of sexual assault
- State the long-term psychological effects of child sexual abuse (CSA) and sexual assault
- Describe the impact of CSA and sexual assault on risk-taking behaviour
- Recognise available support services and referral pathways
Before commencing this session you should have completed:
- Module 1/Sexual Behaviour and Infection Risk (260-0001)
- Module 8/Sexual Assault and Exploitation in Adults (260-0090)
As you have seen in the session Module 8/Sexual Assault and Exploitation in Adults, sexual assault and rape are common in all societies, affecting both children and adults.
Psychological sequelae affect a significant number of people. Following disclosure of sexual assault in a clinical setting, you must be able to identify and manage the psychosocial needs of the client.
This session should be considered as part of a broader learning programme. You should not expect to be competent enough, following completion of this session alone, to carry out the procedures described without supervision.
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