
Consultation Liaison jobs

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About Psychiatric Consultant jobs in Australia

Find Psychiatric Consultant jobs in Australia. Permanent, part-time, casual and locum jobs available.

Psychiatrists are physicians trained to help people diagnose, treat and prevent mental, emotional and behavioural problems. The discipline of psychiatry today includes more than a dozen sub-specialities. Learn more about the responsibilities and qualifications of a psychiatrist here. 

Consultation liaison psychiatry is often described as the interface between general medicine and psychiatry. A consultation-liaison psychiatrist treats patients with a variety of comorbid medical conditions, typically after a request from the treating medical or surgical team. This psychiatric speciality is sometimes called psychosomatic medicine.

Consultation liaison psychiatrists focus on the diagnosis and treatment of psychiatric conditions related to medical illnesses, either physiological (i.e, delirium related to infection) or psychological (i.e, emotional reactions to illness). These specialists also work with medical conditions related to psychiatric illnesses such as anorexia nervosa, and with patients suffering from the side effects of psychotropic medications.

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