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About Rehab Psychiatry jobs in Australia

Find Rehab Psychiatry jobs in Australia. Permanent, part-time, casual and locum jobs available.

A psychiatrist is a physician specialising in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mental, emotional and behavioural problems. The field of psychiatry today has expanded to include more than a dozen sub-specialities. Click here to learn more about the mission, responsibilities and academic qualifications of a psychiatrist. 

A rehab psychiatrist works with patients with significant mental illness issues to try and integrate them back into the community.

The idea behind psychiatric rehabilitation is to apply value-based and evidence-informed practices to help people with mental illness enhance work skills and social supports. The overall goal of a rehab psychiatrist is to help clients be satisfied and successful in their residential, educational, vocational, social environments.

Traditional psychiatric methods typically focus on alleviating symptoms. Psychiatric rehabilitation, on the other hand, maintains a focus on service users’ goals instead of their problems. This approach often leads to more success in personal recovery, and is also ethically sound, as placing the client’s goals first as a rule maximizes self-determination. Keep in mind that self-determination is increasingly becoming a fundamental principle of modern health ethics.

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