

Access to world-class healthcare training

Access to world-class healthcare training

eIntegrity provides access to world-class healthcare training developed for the UK National Health Service but now available globally. Our learners include individuals (trainees and fully qualified practitioners), healthcare providers, colleges, universities and government bodies.
Developing diagnostic skills on a virtual ward

Developing diagnostic skills on a virtual ward

Building your diagnostic skills is a key part of any medical training programme, but this must always be carried out in a way that doesn’t jeopardise patient safety. This was exactly the thinking behind the development of eIntegrity’s Acute Medicine e-Learning programme (ACUMEN). Available online, ACUMEN is packed with interactive, scenario-based exercises that enable learners to practise their skills in diagnosing a whole host of patient conditions in a safe, virtual environment.
Transforming healthcare training through online learning

Transforming healthcare training through online learning

This e-learning platform now has more than one million registered users. And these e-learning resources are now used by healthcare professionals in more than 130 countries.

Take a look at sample courses below



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Access all courses for 12 months
Access all courses for 12 months. 10+ programs (normally valued $1281)
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