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Business / Practice Details
Business / Provider Type
Service Provider
Business / Provider Profile
Capturing the voice of patients
Read verified feedback for your specialist, dentist, hospital or care home.

We publish verified reviews by real patients
Full provider information
Find & access the best care
Reviews by patients and recommendations by doctors

About Doctify
Helping people to find and access the very best care
Why us
Empowering patients to find the best care

Our healthcare reviews help patients to find the very best doctor, dentist or hospital for them.

Doctify reviews give patients more visibility of their healthcare options. With better insights into the specialists available to them, they can book appointments with specialists that they truly trust.

Supporting the delivery of patient-centric care

Our review technology allows doctors, dentists and hospitals to seamlessly collect consistent, meaningful feedback in unprecedented volumes.
Access to this data supports their delivery of patient-centric care, giving them the opportunity to better understand, respond to and improve their patients' experiences.


We help doctors collect feedback, and as a result, help patients find the best care.

Healthcare reviews that you can trust!!

Our trust and transparency pledge

All specialists using our independent review platform have signed a pledge to work with us to promote trust and transparency across healthcare.

We want patients across the globe to be able to confidently share their experiences and find the very best care available to them

We want healthcare providers to have access to the meaningful real-time feedback that they want and need to deliver patient-centric care
Business Address
425 Smith St,,
Fitzroy VIC 3065, Australia
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