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Australian General Practice Training (AGPT)

Business / Practice Details
Business / Provider Type
Education Provider
Services Offered
CPD Courses, Education, Medical education
Business / Provider Profile
The AGPT Program trains doctors to become GPs. It provides full-time, on-the-job training for Australian and overseas-trained doctors who want to specialise in general practice.
The program offers 1,500 training places in cities and regional, rural and remote areas of Australia each year.
Doctors in the AGPT Program train towards achieving either a:
* Fellowship of the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (FACRRM)
* Fellowship of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (FRACGP) 
* FRACGP and Fellowship of Advanced Rural General Practice
Once you have gained one of these fellowships, you can register with the Medical Board of Australia and work as a GP anywhere in Australia.
Why us
What does AGPT training offer?
GPs are central to health care in the Australia community. As a GP you will often be someone’s first and ongoing point of contact with our health care system.
General practice addresses the health of the whole person. You’ll help manage all kinds of health conditions and be involved in physical, psychological and social care.
When you complete your GP training with the ACRRM or RACGP, you’ll achieve your GP fellowship. As a fellow, you can work unsupervised as a GP anywhere in Australia.
Training to be a GP with the AGPT Program offers you many benefits. You can:
* get a Medicare provider number
* claim the highest value Medicare Benefits Schedule items during training
* do practical training in a work environment — you will work hands on with other professionals in hospitals and medical practices
* access various training opportunities, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health training, advanced skills training and academic posts
* have your training fees covered by the Australian Government — you pay your application and assessment fees
* access financial incentives for working in a regional, rural or remote area
* choose where you want to train
* train for fellowships with both colleges at the same time — in the same region, on the rural pathway
Find out more about how the AGPT Program works.
Other GP training options
There are other pathways to become a GP in Australia, including the:
* Remote Vocational Training Scheme
* ACRRM Independent Pathway
* RACGP Practice Experience Program
Whatever training option you choose, you will need to:
* work in general practice
* work or have recent experience in hospitals
* attend workshops and teaching sessions
* study
Business Address
132 Greenhill Road Corner of Salisbury Street and Greenhill Road,
Unley SA 5061, Australia
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