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Published By HealthcareLink , 3 weeks ago
How AI is Transforming Teeth Straightening A Danish research team has developed a groundbreaking tool that's set to transform orthodontic care. By teaming up with the University of Copenhagen, they've created a smart solution in collaboration with 3Shape, a company specialising in dental technology. This tool uses cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI) to revolutionise how braces are fitted onto teeth. Traditionally, fitting braces has been a hit-or-miss affair, relying heavily on the orthodontist's expertise and lots of trial and error. But this new tool changes the game by accurately predicting how teeth will move, ensuring the braces fit just right – not too tight, not too loose. Featured in IEEE Access, this tool is like a virtual patient, simulating how braces should be designed for each individual. It analyses detailed scans of teeth and bone structures, figuring out the perfect fit for braces to straighten teeth effectively and comfortably. Professor Kenny Erleben, one of the brains behind the tool, is excited about how it can cut down on the need for multiple trips to the orthodontist. And Dr Torkan Gholamalizadeh highlights how tricky it can be to predict tooth movements, especially since everyone's teeth are different. But thanks to this new tool and its extensive database, these challenges are being tackled head-on. The heart of this innovation lies in creating super-accurate 3D simulations of each patient's jaw. These simulations, based on detailed scans of teeth and the supporting structures, give dentists and technicians a crystal-clear picture of what needs to be done. In short, this new tool is a game-changer for orthodontic treatment. With its AI-powered simulations, braces can be fitted more accurately and efficiently than ever before. It's a win-win: better results for patients and a smoother experience for everyone involved.
