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Published By HealthcareLink , 3 weeks ago
Prepare for Flu, RSV, and COVID: When's the Best Time for Vaccination? As flu, RSV, and COVID cases are anticipated to surge soon, it's crucial to consider vaccination timing. Cooler weather is approaching, and along with it come unwanted guests: COVID, influenza, and RSV. Experts are warning of a potentially severe flu season, with concerns over low vaccine uptake and increased hospitalisations. Here's what you need to know: Influenza The 2024 flu season could surpass the previous year, lacking herd immunity due to past isolation. Increased international travel may introduce influenza strains from the northern hemisphere. Children, especially those aged five to nine, are at risk of hospitalisation. Vaccination is recommended for everyone over six months of age. RSV Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infections are common, particularly in infants. RSV can lead to serious complications, including pneumonia. Nirsevimab, a long-acting antibody, has been approved to reduce RSV infections by 75% for up to five months. Some states offer free RSV immunisation programs for infants and children. COVID-19 COVID-19 cases are expected to rise concurrently with flu and RSV peaks. Dual infections with RSV and COVID-19 could lead to increased severity. Booster recommendations vary by age and immunocompromised status. Annual boosters are advised for most adults, with six-monthly boosters for those over 65 or severely immunocompromised. It's essential to stay informed and discuss vaccination options with healthcare providers to protect against these respiratory illnesses.
Want to avoid winter's unwanted house guests? Here's when to get your vaccinations

Want to avoid winter's unwanted house guests? Here's when to get your vaccinations
